Injection Molding Plastic: Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Injection Molding Plastic

Injection molding plastic is one of the most popular methods of manufacturing plastic products worldwide. In fact, it’s so popular that the industry is currently estimated to be worth over $385 billion by 2027.

There are many reasons why this is the case. It’s fast, cheap, and also produces great results while also allowing businesses to create a multitude of different products made out of a varied selection of plastics.

Sometimes, things can still go wrong when using plastic injection molds. Read on for some quick tips and tricks to help you sort out any issues and get the best out of your plastic injection mold.

Fix Before There’s a Problem

Prevention is much more effective and cheaper than trying to fix a broken injection mold once an issue has arisen. Maintenance is your best defense against costly problems, meaning that it’s a good habit to get into the routine of checking your equipment regularly.

To help you create a good maintenance routine, create a checklist of the various parts you need to look over.

By looking over your entire machine, you may be able to spot issues before they become major problems and replace them. This ensures that your machines aren’t out of action for long, helping you to meet deadlines.

Fixing Short Shots With Injection Molding Plastic

A common issue with injection molding machines is called ‘short shots’. Plastic resin doesn’t fill the entire cavity within the mold before cooled and ejected, resulting in deformative products.

There are two reasons why this may happen. The first is that not enough plastic material was injected into the mold, and the second is that the material solidified too quickly.

To fix this issue, consider getting a larger-capacity machine while increasing the injection speed. You could also heat the mold/material temperature so that cooling is a bit slower. You can also try using a higher injection pressure.

There are various solutions for short molding, so it can be hard to know the right thing to do. We can help troubleshoot your machines and find the right solution quickly. Contact us if you need support with your plastic injection mold.

Fixing Delamination

Delamination is where the plastic resin didn’t bond or set within the mold, meaning that it can be peeled into separate layers. Usually, delamination happens because of contamination in the material or mold, but it can also be excess moisture.

The best way to remedy delamination is to clean all your equipment and ensure that your material is dry.

More Tips for Plastic Injection Molding

We’re experts at injection molding plastic, and because of that, we have a lot of knowledge of how to get the best out of the process.

No matter if you’re looking for help to fix common issues or information on how to improve performance, we have plenty of tips and tricks on our blog. Check out our advice to help take your injection molding to the next level.

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