It’s been almost 120 years since the first synthetic plastic was invented by Leo Hendrik Baekeland. If you fast forward to today, leading plastic injection molding companies strive to blaze trails. For instance, they’re looking for ways to enhance cost-effectiveness without compromising quality. Are you wondering how to have a competitive edge while meeting growing demands? Keep...Continue Reading
The most recent EPA data saw Americans generate close to 36 million tons of plastic in 2018. Plastics form the core of many American businesses, so solid knowledge of how manufacturers make plastic goods can help with almost any project. Injection molding has become one of the most common forms of plastic production. How much...Continue Reading
The automotive industry is making a turn for success. In fact, 55% of automotive manufacturers are expecting continuous growth in 2024. However, to thrive in this growing landscape, staying informed is key. Discover how rapid injection molding can revolutionize your auto parts production process. Read on to unlock the secrets to success in automotive parts manufacturing. What Is...Continue Reading
Plastic has a lot of value in our daily lives. It’s versatile, sturdy, and easy to mold into various shapes. However, it’s important to use it economically and sustainably since plastic production has doubled in the last 20 years. Here, we’re going to talk about how you can create a usable and efficient design for injection...Continue Reading
Plastic manufacturing is a $372 billion industry, and almost every company requires a plastic part run at some point. Understanding thermoforming vs injection molding ensures that your product development goes smoothly as you invest in sustainable manufacturing. Read on to learn about these two methods of product development and why injection molding is better for mass...Continue Reading
Creating new, innovative products has been your dream for years, and in 2024, you’re taking extra steps to make this happen by investing in the right injection molding equipment. Smart thinking. Research shows that the global market for injection molding in 2022 reached over $187 billion and is predicted to reach over $240 billion by...Continue Reading
Plastic goods often outperform and cost less than other materials such as wood, paper, glass, and metals. So, it’s no wonder that analysts expect plastic manufacturing revenue to grow to $609 billion in 2024. There are two main types of molding options manufacturers generally use. One is injection molding and the other is blow molding,...Continue Reading
Advancing your operations in the automotive field is your top aim in 2024. You’re in good company. Research shows that the automotive industry was expected to produce 95 million vehicles in 2024, with vehicle sales growing over 12% between 2022 and 2023. That’s because the industry quickly recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, with a growing...Continue Reading
Since one in every three car parts is made from plastic, injection molding skills are important for OEMs and the companies that work directly with them. The process is simple, versatile, and efficient enough to produce several car part options in large quantities. Read on to learn the ins and outs of using an injection...Continue Reading
The desktop plastic injection molding machine has revolutionized how we create plastic parts. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a hobbyist, this machine is a game-changer. This isn’t just about buying a tool. It’s about investing in your future creations. With so many variables and options, making the right choice can seem daunting. But with...Continue Reading