How Plastic Injection Molding Benefits the Manufacture of Automobile Parts

manufacture of automobile parts

The United States produces over 60 billion pounds of plastic resin every year. That is because plastic offers precision, strength, and longevity that is not achievable with other products. This makes it ideal for a range of industries, from aerospace, healthcare, energy, and automotive manufacturing, to name a few.

Plastic parts are often made using injection molding. This involves very specific manufacturing techniques that require specialized expertise and equipment.

This article explains the advantages of using plastic injection molding in the manufacture of automobile parts. It lays out the basics of the processes and the many benefits it affords. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Plastic Injection Molding?

Injection molding is the process of forcing molten plastic material into a hollow metal mold. The melted raw plastic forms the shape of the desired component. Once it cools, technicians open the mold and remove the plastic component.

Molds are typically two pieces that clamp together. They are often made of steel, aluminum, beryllium copper, or another type of hardened alloy.

How Does Plastic Injection Molding Benefit the Manufacture of Automobile Parts?

There are several ways that injection molding can benefit the manufacture of automobile parts. Here are the main ones to consider:

Strength and Durability

Plastic is one of the strongest substances in existence. With the right composition, it can yield an extremely high tensile strength and hold up well against impact. Plastic components also are resistant to rust and corrosion.

Plastic also helps increase safety in vehicles. They play a major role in absorbing impacts, which helps keep drivers and passengers safe.


While plastic makes up about half of any given vehicle’s parts, it accounts for less than ten percent of the weight. Plastic is one of the main reasons car fuel efficiencies have continued to climb.


Another major advantage of plastic injection molding in making car parts is the level of precision it can offer. Micromolding allows you to create parts that are smaller than a dime but with very intricate details. This can be a major asset in car design innovation.

Repetition, Capacity, and Cost

A few final related advantages of injection molding involve capacity and efficiency. Once the mold is constructed, production can move along very fast and for as long as necessary. This means you can more easily produce thousands of plastic car parts without needing extra time and labor.

Limited labor and production time translates to lower costs. This means you can expect to pay less for better parts. It also means you can save more per unit as the scale increases.

Learn More About Plastic Injection Molding

Now that you understand how plastic injection molding benefits the manufacture of automobile parts, you can decide if it is right for your business. The process can provide a level of precision and efficiency not achievable through other production methods.

Nova Stevensville is a world-class producer of high-quality plastic injection molding components. Through minimal overhead expenses and efficient operations, we can offer high-quality parts at lower costs. Reach out to us today to learn more about our operations and products and for a free quote.

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